One of the main beaches in Bibinje - Punta Rozica Bibinje Beach, has received a whole new look since last season. It is furnished and equipped with necessary props. The beach has everything a swimmer needs, and the depths of the sea call it more skillful to throw in the water and plunge. At the border with the sea, the beach is sandy, but the sunbathing and resting place is completely decorated with a constructional structure, which will only ease the swimmers to make it easier to land on the land. In this way, Bibinje once again confirms its wishes - to better meet its guests year after year. Tourism is the main economic branch of the tourist, so it is in the home direction that the whole place is run. Beside the beach there are catering facilities, where you can refresh yourself while you are relaxing between bathing in the water.

Beach Punta Rozica Bibinje Photos
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Do plaže Punta Rožica u Bibinjama možete doći ako krenete od staroga sela pa prema naselju padrele. Plaža je šljunčana i betonska a nekoliko koraka nakon što uđete u more je pijesak. Na plaži se od sadržaja nalazi jedan kafić, no samo par minuta pješice prema starom selu se nalazi nekoliko restorana, kafića i trgovina. Uz plažu se nalaze nekoliko stoljetnih borova koji osiguravaju hlad za sve goste koji žele izbjeći jako suce.

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