Beach Šibuljina Camp

# Beach Šibuljina Camp

Sjeverna dalmacija


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08.02.2017. 09:58 dodajeIvan

The beautiful gravel beach of Šibuljina is located in the settlement of the same name, north of Zadar. Next to the beach is the campsite Šibuljina, whose guests are the most frequent beach visitors. Still, here's the place for everyone. If you choose to come, we are sure you will enjoy. The beach is decorated, accessible and spacious enough to accommodate guests from other parts of the world. Although it is naturally made of gravel, this beach is partly concreted, meaning that even less skilled swimmers, as well as the brave ones, have where to fall. For sunbathing on the pebble you already have a prepared terrain, and as a shelter from a strong sunshine will serve the natural shade behind the beach, where the mentioned camp is hidden. It is not unusual to see in the sea along the coast anchored small fishing boats, more precisely the boats of local fishermen. Boats complete the scene on the sea surface, and are a great background to take a picture of a vacation.


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