FKK Koversada Beach in Vrsar pictures

# FKK Koversada Beach in Vrsar pictures



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23.03.2017. 10:20 dodajeIvan

One of these is the oldest beach in Vrsar. Next to the beach is the camp of the same name, known for its naturist holiday. The beach is located along the Lim Channel, it is about 5 kilometers long and is quite colorful. In some places the beach is gravelly sandy, while some of the pebble and larger rocks are found. Our beach is surrounded by small coves and hidden oases. We can also boast a well-equipped sea access for people with disabilities.

The Naturist Beach and Camping

Koversada is one of the oldest naturist beaches in Europe as naturist since 1961. On the beach there is a camp which has as many as 1,700 plots and can accommodate more than 5,000 guests. 

Koversada slike

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